Rinodina biloculata Caliciaceae
Orcularia insperata (Rinodina biloculata)

Growth type crustose
Chemical results negative

Local distribution but possibly under-recorded on bark and twigs, often of Elder, young Elm or Buddleia.

Thin greyish or greenish-grey thallus with small black apothecia, the margins brownish or +/- colourless. The spores are 1-septate, 11-19 x 6-9 µm with a wide septum. The hypothecium is brown. Micrographs below.
Sometimes host to Lichenodiplis fallaciosa

Similar: Rinodina sophodes, Amandinea punctata and Catillaria nigroclavata

Rinodina biloculata

Rinodina biloculata

Rinodina biloculata

Rinodina biloculata
Rinodina biloculata
Studland Heath and Broadstone, Dorset. April 2014, November 2023

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