Alyxoria mougeotii (Opegrapha mougeotii) Growth type crustose Chemical results negative. BLS conservation evaluation: LC NS On steep, sheltered limestone, mortared walls and calcareous sandstone Thin, often immersed thallus with scattered or contiguous lirellae, the discs soon widely exposed with yellow-green or grey-blue pruina. Spores 5-7(-8) septate, (20-)25-33(-55) × 5-8(-10) µm. Micro photo below. Similar: Opegrapha lithyrga (siliceous rocks, 5-7 septate narrower spores), O. calcarea (3-septate spores) and O. areniseda |
Microscope photograph
Opegrapha mougeotii
Kimmeridge and Portland, Dorset. February 2014 and 2016