Evernia prunastri Parmeliaceae

Evernia prunastri

Growth type foliose (though can appear to be fruticose).
Chemical results: K+ yellow
Occurs on acid-barked deciduous trees and fences, occasionally on rocks.

The lobes are strap-like and flattened, the upper surface greyish-white to yellow-green with netted ridges that can become sorediate. Lower surface is +/- white. The reddish-brown apothecia are rarely produced.
Host to the lichenicolous fungus Unguiculariopsis lettaui

Can be confused with Ramalina farinacea.
Pseudevernia furfuracea, lobes often blackish below, upper surface isidiate

Evernia prunastri

Evernia prunastri

Evernia prunastri
Evernia prunastri

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