Opegrapha hochstetteri # Growth type lichenicolous Parasitic on Verrucaria hochstetteri and Verrucaria muralis The small black lirellae have a persistently narrow slit and usually form small rounded clusters. Asci 6-8 spored, spores 3-septate, (15-)16-19(-20.5) × (4.7-)5-6.5 µm, initially hyaline then becoming dark brown and swollen when over-mature. Micrograph below. Similar: Opegrapha rupestris occurs on Bagliettoa (Verrucaria) species and Opegrapha opaca on Verrucaria nigrescens and V. viridula |
Opegrapha hochstetteri
Photographs on Verrucaria hochstetteri and Verrucaria muralis, Dorset. 2017