Opegrapha hochstetteri Roccellaceae
Opegrapha hochstetteri #

Growth type lichenicolous

Parasitic on Verrucaria hochstetteri and Verrucaria muralis

The small black lirellae have a persistently narrow slit and usually form small rounded clusters. Asci 6-8 spored, spores 3-septate, (15-)16-19(-20.5) × (4.7-)5-6.5 µm, initially hyaline then becoming dark brown and swollen when over-mature. Micrograph below.

Similar: Opegrapha rupestris occurs on Bagliettoa (Verrucaria) species and Opegrapha opaca on Verrucaria nigrescens and V. viridula

Opegrapha hochstetteri

Opegrapha hochstetteri

Opegrapha hochstetteri
Opegrapha hochstetteri
Photographs on Verrucaria hochstetteri and Verrucaria muralis, Dorset. 2017

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