Halecania viridescens Leprocaulaceae
Halecania viridescens

Growth type crustose. BLS conservation evaluation: LC NS
Chemical results: K-, C-, KC-,P+ red

Occurs on acid-barked twigs, branches and thin trunks

The thin, areolate, pale green or olive green thallus is covered with fine punctiforme soralia and disintergrates easily when fresh. Apothecia are often absent, when present discs pale and greyish becoming pale yellow-brown and then brownish. Spores 1-septate, 12-17 x 4-6 µm with a thick perispore, the upper cell slightly wider. Micrographs below.

The black apothecia in the photographs are Catillaria nigroclavata

Halecania viridescens

Halecania viridescens

Halecania viridescens

Microscope photographs
Halecania viridescens

Halecania viridescens

Halecania viridescens
Halecania viridescens

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