Vouauxiomyces truncatus
Vouauxiomyces truncatus

Lichenicolous fungus, the anamorph of Abrothallus microspermus.

Usually parasitic on Flavoparmelia caperata but occasionally also on Parmotrema and Punctelia species.

The anamorph is found more often than the teleomorph, though both can occur together. Prominent black pycnidia (0.1-0.2mm diam) are scattered over the host thallus, the conidia hyaline and clearly truncate at the base, 6.5-7.5(-8) x 4-5(-5.5) µm, simple with guttules. Micrographs below.

The teleomorph Abrothallus microspermus is much rarer and has larger black apothecia. The asci are 8-spored and the spores brown, 1-septate, (11-)13.5(-14.5) x 4-5.5 µm.

Vouauxiomyces truncatus

Microscope photographs
Vouauxiomyces truncatus

Vouauxiomyces truncatus
Vouauxiomyces truncatus
Badbury Rings, Dorset. March 2016

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