Lecania cyrtellina Ramalinaceae
Lecania cyrtellina

Growth type crustose
Chemical reactions negative

Local in old woodland on shaded, base-rich bark. Not associated with Xanthorion. Host to the lichenicolous Echinodiscus lesdainii

Thin greyish thallus, the clustered apothecia pale pink, brown or piebald, becoming translucent when wet. The asci are 8-spored, spores are simple or 1-septate, 8-12(-15) × 2-3(-4) µm. Microscope photograph below.

Similar: L. cyrtella, wider spores, usually in Xanthorion communities. Lecania naegelii, spores larger and usually 3-septate

Lecania cyrtellina

Microscope photograph
Lecania cyrtellina
Lecania cyrtellina
On Elder. Studland Heath, Dorset. May 2015

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