Anthophora bimaculata, Green-eyed Flower Bee Hymenoptera: Apidae - true bees and bumbles

Anthophora bimaculata
Green-eyed Flower Bee

Occurs in southern England, usually on lowland heaths, coastal dunes and sandy commons. Forms dense aggregates on level ground and in cliff faces

Univoltine, flying June to September

Polylectic. Visits many flowers including Viper's Bugloss, brambles, lamiates and Asteraceae

Cleptoparasites: Coelioxys rufescens and possibly C. elongata (Dorset)

Anthophora bimaculata, Green-eyed Flower Bee

Anthophora bimaculata, Green-eyed Flower Bee

Anthophora bimaculata, Green-eyed Flower Bee

Anthophora bimaculata, Green-eyed Flower Bee

Anthophora bimaculata, Green-eyed Flower Bee
Anthophora bimaculata, Green-eyed Flower Bee
Kingston Lacy allotments and Upton Heath, Dorset. July and August 2019

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