Ditylenchus dipsaci Nematoda: Anguinidae - nematode
Ditylenchus dipsaci

Photographs on Plantago lanceolata, Ribwort Plantain
Strongly polyphagous on many wild and cultivated plants

Up to 30 biological races occur within D. dipsaci, mostly distinguished by host preferences. There are few morphological differences.

From www.cabi.org/isc/datasheet/19287: "D. dipsaci is a migratory endoparasite that feeds upon parenchymatous tissue in stems and bulbs, causing the breakdown of the middle lamellae of cell walls. Feeding often causes swellings and distortion of aerial plant parts (stems, leaves, flowers) and necrosis or rotting of stem bases, bulbs, tubers and rhizomes"

Ditylenchus dipsaci

Ditylenchus dipsaci

Ditylenchus dipsaci

Ditylenchus dipsaci
Ditylenchus dipsaci
Giant Hill, Cerne, Dorset. May 2016

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